
Health services for refugees and asylum seekers

All publicly provided health services are available to people from refugee backgrounds. There are also some specific local services in different regions. 

Refugee Health Screening Service

Mangere Refugee Health Service

  •  251 Massey Road, Mangere East, 2024, PO Box 22-315, Otahuhu 1640

  • (09) 250 9850



Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland: Interpreting Service

The Auckland Interpreting service provide interpreters for over 70 languages (including NZ Sign Language) as well as document translations.

  • For urgent telephone interpreting contact 0800 559 555
  • Alternatively call (09) 307 4949 (extn: x27018/x26653/x27121/x28907)


Auckland Refugees as Survivors Centre (Auckland RAS)

The Auckland RAS Centre provides a counselling service for the treatment and rehabilitation of survivors of torture and trauma.

  • (09) 270 0870


Mental Health Services for Refugees

*Services below may require GP referral 


Central Auckland
Kainga Tiaki Centre (formerly St Lukes Community Mental Health Centre)

(09) 845 0940

24 hour crisis line: 0800 800 717


South Auckland
The Cottage - CMDHB Community team

(09) 2709090


North Auckland

Community referrals line - (09) 487 1414


West Auckland

Community Mental Health Service for Refugees

(09) 822 8501

Crisis line: (09) 822 8600 / 8500

Public Health Unit

Hugh Monckton Trust Building
4th floor, corner of Rostrevor and Harwood Streets
PO Box 505, Hamilton 3204
(07) 838 2569

Karen Jensen
027 677 7042

Mace Lee
021 242 6774

Public Health Unit

Rata House/Community Village
Palmerston North Hospital, Heretaunga Street, Palmerston North
(06) 350 9110

Margaret Sheridan
022 049 7651

Jane Heath
027 258 0203

Public Health - Capital, Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa

Community Health Building
Level 1, Hutt Hospital, High Street, Avalon, Lower Hutt 5010
Private bag 31907, Wellington 5040

Refugee Portfolio Lead:

04 570 9002

Nelson Marlborough Public Health Service

Public Health Service
281 Queen Street, Richmond
PO Box 647, Nelson 7040
(03) 546 1537

Sheryl Hockey
027 246 0162

Community and Public Health

310 Manchester Street, 8013
PO Box 1475, Christchurch
(03) 378 6854

Stella Yaxley
027 213 8147

Sahra Ahmed
(Pia Te Ora – Union and Community Health Centre)
021 061 3568

Well South

Level 1, 333 Princes Street, 9016
PO Box 218, Dunedin 9054
(03) 477 1163

Peter Ellison
027 234 5685

Lou Oldham
021 405 232

Liz McColl
027 235 9294

Last updated 23.11.2022

For health advice call Healthline for free anytime on 0800 611 116
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